How many times have I read that in one of my many self-help books? I think after this week the meaning has really crystallized for me. It started on the 7th of November and l have been riding the roller coaster ever since.
All those things I said yes to last weekend were things that I wanted to do but the price I paid was a day of recovery on Monday am exhausting Veteran's and errands all Thursday. That was three lost days right off the bat!
So what is the point?
1. I have to stop whining because all choices made are mine alone.
2. Before I commit to things I need to revisit my priorities. Planning things out by the week would totally help me. (so simple, why do I not do this?)
3. When looking back on the week, I need to emphasize the time spent being creative. That will make me feel better.
I Did manage to paint this this week. It is for a show I am planning with the Capitol Hill Artists Salon. This is my still life of water. I am not sure I will use it...
Detail of water reflections
I did paint one painting this week. I learned another lesson about being naive and leaving your still life set up with a cat wandering around the house. It does not work!
I teach an after-care art class on Tuesdays. These kids did an awesome job painting sea turtles.
Kids are the best artist!
Creative turtle designs
(Humble brag) Thursday was my daughters 12th birthday. She wanted to see her favorite painting on the way home from school. It is a beautiful Albert Bierstadt at the Smithsonian American Art Museum. I was a proud mama!
So - there were moments of art and creativity sprinkled throughout the week. There were good times spent in the company of friends and a room in the house got re-painted too. Maybe all those yes's and no's worked out in the end!
Still, next week I will try to plan it. ..