Often times when I get busy I get upset with myself thinking "I did nothing! I frittered away my time and did nothing in the practice of my creativity." But when I look back on the past weekend I think wow, you were busy but it was pretty fun and it was in alignment with your goals.
I spent all day Saturday crafting a jellyfish costume. if that is not creative, I don't know what is!
Here I am with my daughter on Halloween.
Sunday saw the completion of a six week Faith & Art class I have been leading. Our final project was a 9 x 12" canvas done in mixed-media. It is a motivational piece for participants to hang in their homes. Everyone did such a great job! Each one different, meaningful and inspiring. Below are just a few of the finished pieces.
"don't forget, you can always do something that moves you forward - clean brushes, write down ideas, look at books, organize, make Halloween costumes, etc. there is always at least one action you can take for your creativity daily!" -Julia Cameron (more or less)