"What often vexes me is that painting is like having a bad mistress, who spends and spends but is never enough. And I tell myself that even if a tolerable study comes out of it from time to time, it would be much cheaper to buy it from somebody else. ...Quick work does not mean less serious work, it depends on one's self confidence and experience." - Vincent VanGogh in a letter to his brother Theo.
It is so easy to get down on myself! The comparison game is hard not to get sucked into. When I scroll through Instagram and see all the art that other people are doing I often think to myself "Why am I wasting my time? Everyone else is doing it so much better. I could just buy theirs and be done with it."
So what do I do? I have to pull myself out of that loop. It helps to read things like the quote from one of Van Gogh's letters to his brother. He got frustrated with painting and his prospects but he never stopped painting.
In his life, Van Gogh, only sold one painting though he painted over 900. His success came after he died. I hope that his spirit can see how much his work is valued and revered now.
I guess my point is: keep doing what you love without putting expectations on yourself and quit comparing yourself to people you see on social media! Learn to appreciate others wherever they are. Most important, appreciate yourself wherever you are!
My Darling Clementine #3, 9.5" x 7", oil on canvas.